Curriculum Vitae
Keith Hunley Department of Anthropology May 2023
Educational History
Postdoc, 2002-2004, University of Michigan, Human Genetics
PhD, 2002, University of Michigan, Anthropology
MA, 1996, University of Michigan, Anthropology
BS, 1980, Purdue University, Biology
Employment History
Associate Dean for Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Units, 2024-present,
College of Arts and Sciences, University of New Mexico -
Professor, 2021 – present, Anthropology, University of New Mexico
Department Chair, 2019 – 2024, Anthropology, University of New Mexico
Associate Professor, 2011-2021, Anthropology, University of New Mexico
Assistant Professor, 2005-2011, Anthropology, University of New Mexico
Visiting Assistant Professor, 2004-2005, Anthropology, University of New Mexico
Professional Recognition and Honors
December 2021 Editor's Choice for Hunley et al. 2021. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 176(4)
Letter of recognition for contribution to course and program assessment, 2017, Associate Dean of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Arts and Sciences, University of New Mexico
2016 Gabriel W. Lasker Award for Hunley and Cabana. 2016. Human Biology. 88(3)
Invited Commentary, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Keynote speaker, 2015, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Symposium: Thinking anthropologically about genetics
Invited Public Lecture, 2015, Morrison Institute, Stanford University
Nominee, 2011, Outstanding Online Teacher of the Year, University of New Mexico
Nominee, 2007, Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, University of New Mexico
Roy A, Rappaport Teaching Award, 2002, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan
Genome Sciences Training Fellowship, 1999 – 2001, National Institutes of Health
Short Narrative Description of Research
My research in genetic anthropology spans two million years of our evolutionary history, from the origin of the genus Homo in the Pleistocene to the formation of ethnic groups in New Mexico over the past 400 years. The common thread in my research projects is an interest in the persistence of genetic and linguistic structure within our species despite the fluid nature of population boundaries and the ephemeral nature of individual groups. My publications have provided insights into the initial dispersal of humans from Africa, the non-existence of biological races, the co-evolution of genes and languages, the impact of colonial migration on ethnogenesis, and the psychosocial and cultural determinants of interest and uptake of skin cancer genetic testing.
Short Narrative Description of Teaching
My core undergraduate teaching responsibility is the UNM General Education course Anth 1135 Introduction to Biological Anthropology. It is one of the few science courses taken by non-STEM majors at UNM and their only formal exposure to evolutionary theory and human evolution. In my upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses, I help students understand and critique primary literature in population and human genetics, and I provide students with skills in data analysis, laboratory methods, research design, and professional writing.
Short Narrative Description of Service
I have served as department chair, associate chair, director of the undergraduate committee, member on various departmental, college and professional committees, external evaluator for promotion cases, and associate editor of Human Biology.
Scholarly Achievements
Citation indices: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OjIQkBQAAAAJ&hl=en
Website: http://keithhunley.wixsite.com/keith-hunley
Articles Published in Refereed Journals
* senior and/or corresponding author
Appel N, Edgar H, Daneshvari Berry S, Hunley K. Error and bias in race and ethnicity descriptions in medical examiner records in New Mexico: Consequences for understanding mortality among Hispanic/Latinos. Forensic Science International: Synergy 7. 2023.
Moes E, Willermet C, Hunley K, Ragsdale C, Edgar H. Childhood stress and developmental instability: comparing microscopic enamel defects and cranial fluctuating asymmetry in a colonial Mexican sample. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. First published: 16 July 2022 https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24585
Riley K, Sussman A, Schofield E, Guest D, Dailey Y, Schwartz M, Buller D, Hunley K, Kaphingst K, Berwick M, Hay J. Effect of superstitious beliefs and risk intuitions on genetic test decisions. Medical Decision Making. 42(3). 2022
Hunley K*, Moes, Edgar H, Mosley C, Healy M, Dixon A. Colonialism, ethnogenesis, and biogeographic ancestry in the US Southwest. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 176:559–571. 2021
Khan E, Kaphingst K., Meyer White K, Sussman A, Guest D, Schofield E, Dailey Y, Robers E, Schwartz M, Li Y, Buller D, Hunley K, Berwick M, Hay J. Comprehension of skin cancer genetic risk feedback in primary care patients. J Community Genet. 1-7. 2021
Hay JL, Zielaskowski K, White K, Kaphingst K, Robers E, Guest D, Sussman A, Talamantes Y, Schwartz M, Rodríguez VM, Li Y, Schofield E, Bigney J, Hunley K, Buller D, Berwick M. Behavioral and psychological outcomes associated with skin cancer genetic testing in Albuquerque primary care. Cancers. Special Issue Melanoma: Prevention and Molecular Epidemiology. 13(16), 4053. 2021
Banerjee S, Hay JL, Berwick M, Zielaskowski K, White K, Rodríguez VM, Robers E, Guest DD, Sussman A, Talamantes Y, Schwartz M, Greb J, Bigney J, Kaphingst K, Hunley K, Buller D. Let’s Talk about Skin Cancer: Examining Association between Family Communication about Skin Cancer, Perceived Risk, and Sun Protection Behaviors. J of Community Health. 26(8):576-585. 2021
Rusk, K. M., Keith L. Hunley, Carmen Mosley, Meghan Healy, Gaelyn R. D. Archer, and Heather J. H. Edgar. Childhood Dietary Quality Predicts Adult Facial Fluctuating Asymmetry in Contemporary New Mexicans. HOMO, 72(2):159-172. 2021.
Kaphingst K, Khan E, White KM, Sussman A, Guest D, Schofield E, Dailey YT, Robers E, Schwartz MR, Li Y, Buller D, Hunley K, Berwick M, Hay JL. Effects of health literacy, educational attainment, and level of melanoma risk on responses to personalized genomic testing. Patient Education and Counseling. 104:12-19. 2021
Hunley K*, Cabana G. Update to “Beyond serial founder effects: the impact of admixture and localized gene flow on patterns of regional genetic diversity.” Reissued with new forward in special issue Contributions to Anti-Racist Science. Human Biology. 92: 219-231 2020
Berry S, Edgar H, Mosley C, Hunley K. Refined, regionally-specific data standards reveal heterogeneity in Hispanic death records. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2021; 2021: 161–169
Hunley K*, Edgar H, Healy M, Mosley C. Colonialism and the co-evolution of ethnic and genetic structure in New Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171: 509-519. 2020
Hay JL, Meyer White K, Sussman A, Kaphingst K, Guest D, Schofiel E, Dailey Y, Robers E, Schwartz M, Zielaskowski K, Li Y, Buller D, Hunley K, Berwick M. Psychosocial and cultural determinants of interest and uptake of skin cancer genetic testing in diverse primary care. Public Health Genomics. 22:58-68. 2019
White K, Dailey Y, Guest D, Zielaskowski K, Robers E, Sussman A, Hunley K, Hughes C, Schwartz M, Kaphingst K, Buller D, Hay J, Berwick M. MC1R Variation in a New Mexico. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 28:1853-1856. 2019
Healy H, Edgar H, Mosley C, Hunley K*. Associations between ethnic identity, regional history, and genomic ancestry in New Mexicans of Spanish-speaking descent. Biodemography and Social Biology. 64(2): 152-170. 2018
Hay JL, Zielaskowski K, White K, Kaphingst K, Robers E, Guest D, Sussman A, Talamantes Y, Schwartz M, Rodríguez VM, Li Y, Schofield E, Bigney J, Hunley K, Buller D, Berwick M. Interest and Uptake of MC1R Testing for Melanoma Risk in a Diverse Primary Care Population: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Dermatology. 2018
Hunley K*, Edgar H, Healy M, Mosley C, Cabana G, West F. Social identity in New Mexicans of Spanish-speaking descent highlights limitations of using standardized ethnic terminology in research. Human Biology. 89(3):217-228. 2017
Healy M, Hill D, Berwick M, Edgar H, Gross J, Hunley K*. Social-Group identity and population substructure in admixed populations in New Mexico and Latin America. PLoS One 12 (10): e0185503. 2017
Hay JL, Berwick M, Zielaskowski K, White K, Rodríguez VM, Robers E, Guest DD, Sussman A, Talamantes Y, Schwartz M, Greb J, Bigney J, Kaphingst K, Hunley K, Buller D. Implementing an Internet-delivered skin cancer genetic testing intervention to improve sun protection behavior in a diverse population. JMIR research protocols 6 (4): e52. 2017
Rodriguez VM, Robers E, Zielakowski K, Hunley K, Kaphingst K, Guest D, Sussman A, White KM, Schwartz MR, Talamantes Y, Grebb J, Bigney J, Berwick M, & Hay JL. Translation and adaptation of skin cancer genomic risk education materials for implementation in primary care. J Community Genet. 8(1): 53–63. 2017
Hunley K*, Cabana G. Beyond serial founder effects: the impact of admixture and localized gene flow on patterns of regional genetic diversity. Human Biology. 88(3): 2016
Hunley K*, Gwin K. & Liberman B. A Reassessment of the Impact of European Contact on the Structure of Native American Genetic Diversity. PLoS One 11(8), e0161018. 2016
Hunley K*, Cabana GS, Long J. The apportionment of human diversity revisited. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 160, 561–569. 2016
Hunley K*, Reassessment of global gene–language coevolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112(7): 1919–1920. 2015
Young BN, Rendón A, Rosas-Taraco A, Baker J, Healy M, Gross J, Long J, Burgos M, Hunley K*. The Effects of Socioeconomic Status, Clinical Factors, and Genetic Ancestry on Pulmonary Tuberculosis Disease in Northeastern Mexico. PLoS ONE 9(4): e94303. 2014
Young BN, Burgos M, Handal AJ, Baker J, Rendón A, Rosas-Taraco A, Long J, Hunley K*. Social and clinical predictors of drug-resistant tuberculosis in a public hospital, Monterrey, Mexico. Annals of Epidemiology. 24(10):771–775. 2014
Hunley K*, Bowern C, Healy M. Rejection of a serial founder effects model of genetic and linguistic coeveolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences. 279(1736): 2281-2288. 2012
Bowern C, Epps P, Gray R, Hill J, Hunley K, McConvell P, Zentz J. Does Lateral Transmission Obscure Inheritance in Hunter-Gatherer Languages? PLoS One 6(9): e25195. 2011
Hunley K*, Healy M. The impact of founder effects, gene flow, and European admixture on Native American genetic diversity. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2011. 146(4): 530-538. 2011
Friedlaender J, Hunley K, Dunn M, Terrill A, Lindström E, Reesink G, Friedlaender F. Letter: Linguistics more robust than genetics. Science. 324(5926):464-465. 2009
Hunley K*, Healy M, Long J. The global pattern of gene identity variation reveals a history of long-range migrations, bottlenecks, and local mate exchange: Implications for biological race. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 139(1): 35-46. 2009
Edgar H, Hunley K*. Reconciling race?: How biological anthropologists view human variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 139(1): 1-4. 2009
Hunley K*, Dunn M, Lindström E, Reesink G, Terrill A, Healy M, Koki G, Friedlaender F, Friedlaender J. Genetic and linguistic coevolution in Northern Island Melanesia. PLoS Genetics 4(10):e1000239. 2008
Hunley K*, Spence JE, Merriwether DA. The impact of lineal fissions on genetic structure in Native South America and implications for human evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 135:195-205. 2008
Cabana G, Hunley K, Kaestle F. Population continuity or replacement?: A novel computer simulation approach and its application to the Numic expansion (Western Great Basin, USA). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 135(4): 438-447. 2008
Clark J, Dobson S, Anton S, Hawks J, Hunley K, Wolpoff M. Identifying artificially deformed crania. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 17:596-607. 2007
Hunley K*, Cabana G, Merriwether DA, Long J. A formal test of linguistic and genetic coevolution in Native Central and South America. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 132 (4): 622-631. 2007
Cabana G, Merriwether DA, Hunley K, Demarchi DA. Is the genetic structure of Gran Chaco populations unique? Interregional perspectives on Native South American mitochondrial DNA variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 131(1): 108-119. 2006
Hunley K*, Long J. Gene flow across linguistic boundaries in Native North Americans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 102(5): 1312-7. 2005
Mulligan C, Hunley K, Cole S, Long J. Population genetics, history, and health patterns in Native Americans. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics. 5:295-315. 2004.
Wolpoff M, Hawks J, Frayer D, Hunley K. Modern human ancestry at the peripheries: A test of the Replacement Theory. Science. 291:293-297. 2001
Hawks J, Hunley K, Lee S, Wolpoff M. 2000. Population bottlenecks and Pleistocene human evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 17(1):2-22. 2000
Hawks J, Oh S, Hunley K, Dobson S, Cabana G, Dayalu P, Wolpoff M. An Australasian test of the recent African origin theory using the WLH-50 calvarium. Journal of Human Evolution. 39: 1-22. 2000
Mitani J, Hunley K, Murdoch E. Geographic variation in the calls of wild chimpanzees: A re-assessment. American Journal of Primatology. 47(2): 133-152. 1999
Peer-reviewed Articles Appearing as Chapters in Edited Volumes
Hunley K*. Models of migration in human prehistory and their anthropological significance. In Current developments in the anthropological study of past human migration. G Cabana, J Clark (editors). Gainesville: University Press of Florida. 2011
Hunley K*, Dunn M, Lindström E, Reesink G, Terrill A, Norton H, Scheinfeldt L, Friedlaender F, Merriwether DA, Koki G, and Friedlaender J. Inferring prehistory from genetic, linguistic, and geographic variation. In Genetics, Linguistics, and Culture History in the Southwest Pacific. J Friedlaender (editor). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2007
Other Scholarly Works
In preparation
Appel N, Edgar H, Berry S, Hunley K. Error in race and ethnicity descriptions in medical examiner records in New Mexico: consequences for understanding mortality among Hispanic/Latinos. Forensic Science International. Status: revision submitted Dec 2022.
Hunley K. On the Non-existence of Human Races, 1962-2021. Status: in prep
Hay J et al. Exploring the role of cancer fatalism and engagement with skin cancer genetic information in diverse primary care patients. Psycho-Oncology. Status: in prep
The Anthropological Utility of Genetic Data in Small-Scale Populations: Migration Rates and Patterns among the Yanomamö. Department of Anthropology. University of Michigan. 2002
Journal Special Issues
Hunley K, H Edgar. Special Issue: Race Reconciled: How Biological Anthropologists View Human Variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 139. 2009
Book Reviews
Hunley K. Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past. By David Reich. New York: Pantheon. 2018. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2019
Hunley K, Gross J. A Computational Approach to Statistical Arguments in Ecology and Evolution. George Estabrook. New York: Cambridge University Press. Journal of Anthropological Research. 2013
Hunley K. The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution by Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending. New York: Basic Books. Journal of Anthropological Research. 2010
Museum/Internet Exhibits
Heritage New Mexico installation. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology. Co-curator with Heather Edgar. 2014-2015
Heritage New Mexico. Interactive Internet exhibit, heritagenm.unm.edu. Co-curator with Heather Edgar. 2014
Invited or Refereed Abstracts and/or Presentations at Professional Meetings
Berry S, Edgar H, Hunley K. Heterogeneity in age at death among New Mexicans of Spanish-speaking descent in New Mexico. Human Biology Annual Meetings. Reno Nevada. 2023
Appel N, Edgar H, Hunley K, Daneshvari B. Misidentification of Hispanic individuals during death investigations: the impact of identification errors on research questions in anthropology and public health. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2022
Hunley K. The apportionment of diversity revisited. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Washington, DC. 2019
Mosley C, Healy M, Rusk K, Hunley K, Edgar H. Allostatic load predicts chronic disease in New Mexicans of Spanish-speaking descent. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 168, 170-170. 2019
Riley KE, Hay JL, White K, Sussman A, Guest D, Schofield E, Li Y, Kaphingst K, Hunley K, & Berwick M. (March, 2019). Cognitive causation beliefs, negative affect in risk perception, and responses to skin cancer genetic test offer. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, Washington, DC. 2019
Rusk K, Mosley C, Hunley K, Healy M, Edgar H. Facial fluctuating asymmetry as a marker of cumulative health burden in women. American Association of Physical Anthropologists. 165, 233-234. 2018
Banerjee S, Zielaskowski K, White K, Rodriguez V, Robers E, Guest D, A Sussman, Talamantes Y, Schwartz M, Bigney J, Hunley K, Buller D, Kaphingst K, Berwick M, Hay J. Let's Talk About Skin Cancer": Examining Association Between Family Communication About Skin Cancer, Perceived Risk, And Sun Protection Behaviors. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 52: S177-S177. 2018
West F, Hunley K, Healy M, Mosley C, Cabana GS, Edgar H. Return of Genetic Ancestry Testing Results: An Academic-Setting Case Study. American Journal of Human Biology 29. 2017
Hay J, Berwick M, Zielaskowski K, Meyer-White K, Rodríguez V, Robers E, Guest D, Sussman A, Talamantes Y, Schwartz M, Greb J, Bigney J, Kaphingst K, Hunley K, Buller D. Online skin cancer genetic testing in diverse primary care. Society of Behavioral Medicine. San Diego, CA, March 29 – April 1, 2017
Hay JL, Berwick M, Zielaskowski K, White KM, Rodríguez VM, Robers E, Guest D, Sussman A, Talamantes Y, Schwartz M, Greb J, Bigney J, Kaphingst K, Hunley K, Buller D. Interest and uptake of MC1R testing in primary care. Society for Melanoma Research. Boston, MA. 2016
White KM, Martinez M, Rodríguez VM, Robers E, Zielaskowski K, Guest D, Sussman A, Hunley K, Bigney J, Kaphingst K, Talamantes Y, Schwartz M, Greb J, Hay JL, Berwick M. MC1R variants in the New Mexico population. Society for Melanoma Research. Boston, MA. 2016
Hay JL, Berwick M, Kaphingst K, Buller D, Hunley K, Bigney J, White KM, Zielaskowski K, Guest D, Sussman A, Rodríguez VM. Investigating MC1R testing and feedback in primary care: Maximizing personal utility and reach. Society for Melanoma Research. San Francisco, CA. 2015
Hunley K, Cabana G, Long J. The Impact of Hierarchical and Gene Flow Processes on Patterns of Regional Genetic Diversity. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 156:173. 2015
Cabana GS, Hunley K. The Impact of Local Mate Exchange and Founder Effects on Global Patterns of Mitochondrial Genomic Variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 156:97. 2015
Mosley C, Healy M, Hunley K, and Edgar H. 2015. Exploring Hispanic Identity: Relationships among Socioeconomic Status, Genetic Ancestry, Skin Color, and Ethnicity in the Land of Enchantment. Society for Applied Anthropology. Pittsburgh, PA​. 2014
Mosley C, Healy M, Hunley K, Edgar H. Skin deep: is skin color linked to blood pressure in New Mexicans of Spanish-speaking descent? American Journal of Human Biology 25:268. 2013
Mosley C, Healy M, Hunley K, Edgar H. Self-reported ethnicity predicts allostatic load in New Mexicans of Spanish-speaking descent. Human Biology Association. Knoxville, Tennessee. 2013
Young B, Long J, Gross J, Rosas-Taraco A, Rendon A, Hunley K. Genetic Admixture in Monterrey, Mexico: Evolutionary Implications for Tuberculosis Disease Risk. Human Behavior and Evolution Society. 2012
Young B, Rendon A, Rosas-Taraco A, Handal A, Baker J, Long J, Burgos M, Hunley K. Education and marital status are protective against active tuberculosis in Monterrey, Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Portland. 2012
Healy M, Gross J, Berwick M, Hill D, Erdei E, Long J, Hunley K. Variability in genetic ancestry in New Mexican Hispanics: the product of a rich and ever-changing ethnic landscape. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Portland. 2012
Young B, Rendon A, Rosas-Taraco A, Handal A, Baker J, Long J, Burgos M, Hunley K. Do Disease Legacies Impact Variation in Resistance? Genetic Ancestry and Socio-Cultural Effects on Active Tuberculosis in Northeastern Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 2011
Hunley K. Genes and language in the Americas. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 141: S50. 2010
Long J, Hunley K. New evidence for natural selection acting at the ALDH locus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 141: S50. 2010
Joyce S, Hunley K, Long J. Analysis of global gene identity reveals a history of serial founder effects, admixture between long-diverged Oceanic groups, and interbreeding with archaic humans. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 141: S50. 2010
Schneider N, Hunley K. Genetic and linguistic coevolution in Native Latin America. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 138: S48. 2009
Healy M, Hunley K. Using mitochondrial DNA in population genetic research: A comparison of the information content of the mitochondrial d-loop and the coding region. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 137: S47. 2008
Healy M, Hunley K. The impact of geography, ecology, and language on Native American genetic structure. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 134: S45. 2007
Spence J, Hunley K, Merriwether DA. Genetic structure and implications for human biological and cultural evolution: A case study of the Yanomamo. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 134: S45. 2007
Hunley K, Merriwether DA, Cabana G, Long J. Linguistic and genetic correspondence in Native Central and South America. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 131: S43. 2006
Cabana G, Hunley K. Migration or microevolution? The Numic expansion revisited through genetics and computer simulation modeling. Society for Anthropological Sciences. First General Scholarly Meeting, Santa Fe. 2005
Hunley K, Long J, Cabana G, Merriwether DA. Gene flow across linguistic boundaries in Native South American populations. Society for Anthropological Sciences. First General Scholarly Meeting. Santa Fe. 2005
Hunley K, Long J. Rejection of isolation by distance for human gene geography and suggested alternatives. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 128: S41. 2005
Long J, Hunley K. Predictions of isolation by distance and alternatives for human gene geography. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 128: S41. 2005
Demarchi DA, Cabana G, Hunley K, Merriwether DA. Linajes mitocondriales en poblaciones del Chaco Argentino: Patrones únicos de variación regional. 34ª Congreso Argentino de Genética (Trelew, 12 al 14 de Septiembre de 2005) y VII Jornadas Nacionales de Antropología Biológica. Córdoba. 2005
Hunley K, Long J. Does Greenberg's linguistic classification predict patterns of New World genetic diversity? American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 125: S39. 2004
Malhi R, Hunley K, Long J. Tests for selection on ALDH2 in a Southeast Asian population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 122: S37. 2003
Long J, Hunley K, Kittles R. Analysis of DNA sequences under unequal evolutionary rates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 122: S37. 2003
Long J, Hunley K. Analysis of DNA sequences and repeat lengths under unequal evolutionary rates. American Society of Human Genetics. Los Angeles. 2003
Hunley K, Merriwether DA. The Anthropological Utility of Genetic Data in Small-Scale Populations: Migration Rates and Patterns among the Yanomamo. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 119: S35. 2002
Cabana G, Hunley K, Kaestle F. Biomolecular Archaeology: Genetic Approaches to Reconstructing the Past: Population movement or genetic drift and gene flow? Southern Illinois University Visiting Scholar’s Conference. Carbondale. 2002
Hunley K, Cabana G. The Genus Homo: One or multiple species? American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 116: S33. 2001
Cabana G, Hunley K, Kaestle R. Modeling the effects of random genetic drift and migration on the genetic diversity of ancient populations. 5th International Ancient DNA conference. Manchester, UK. 2000
Hunley K, Merriwether DA. Reconstructing the Past: Population Structure among the Yanomamo. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 113: S31. 2000
Wolpoff M, Hawks J, Hunley K, Dobson S, Cabana G, Dayalu P. An Australian test of the Recent African Origin Theory using the WLH-50 Calvarium. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 110: S29. 1999
Hunley K. Seattle, WA. Vertebral canal size and function: a comparison of extant and fossil hominoids. Paleoanthropology Society. 1999
Ahlstrom C, Hawks J, Hunley K, Oh S. The application of nested cladistics to investigate population structure in chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 107: S27. 1998
Hunley K, Merriwether DA. The effect of fossil age on the estimation of time to a common ancestor. American Journal of Human Biology 10 (1), 126-126. 1998
Research Funding
Personalized genomic testing for melanoma: maximizing personal utility and reach. National Cancer Institute. National Institutes of Health. 1R01CA181241-01A1. Co-investigator: K Hunley (PIs: Jennifer Hay and Marianne Berwick). $735,067. 2014 – 2017
The cultural and biological significance of ethnic substructure in New Mexican Hispanics. National Science Foundation. BCS 0962825. PI: K Hunley. co-PI: Heather Edgar. $327,703. 2010 – 2015
Dynamics of hunter-gatherer language change. National Science Foundation. BCS 0902114. Co-PI: K Hunley (PI: Claire Bowern, Yale University). $723,133. 2008-2014
Do granular classifications of ethnicity capture hidden heterogeneity in the causes of early and alcohol-related death?: A novel application of medical examiner data. Substance Use and Disorders Grand Challenge Pilot Grant. Co-investigators: Keith Hunley, Scott Tonigan (PI: Heather Edgar)2019-2020, $3,000.
The relationship between genetic admixture and sociocultural history in New Mexico. UNM Research Allocation Committee. Discipline-specific Large Grant. PI: K Hunley. $7,260. 2009
Funded Symposium: Race Reconciled? How biological anthropologists view human biological variation. Funded by UNM OVPR, Maxwell Museum, Department of Anthropology, Biology Department. $15,850. 2007. Co-recipients: K Hunley, H Edgar
Linguistic and genetic coevolution and implications for human evolution. UNM Research Allocation Committee. Discipline-specific Large Grant. PI: K Hunley. $7,185. 2005
Population stratification in New Mexican Hispanics and implications for medical and anthropological genetic research. UNM Cross Campus Collaboration in the Life Sciences. PI: K Hunley. $24,214. 2005
PhD Committee Chair
Jada Benn-Torres, African Ancestry and Admixture Estimates throughout the Anglophone Caribbean, 2005
Bonnie Young, Effects of Genetic Ancestry and Sociocultural Tuberculosis Susceptibility in Northeastern Mexico, 2012.
Research funded by Wenner-Gren Foundation and the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute
Meghan Healy, Ethnic Identity and Genetic Ancestry in New Mexicans of Spanish-Speaking Descent, 2019
Research funded by UNM Graduate Research and Development Committee
PhD Committee Member
Kate Rusk, Facial Fluctuating Asymmetry: Developmental Origins and Implications for Long-Term Health, 2019
Carmen Mosley, A Biocultural Examination of Health Risk Among New Mexicans of Spanish-Speaking Descent, 2019
Anthony Koehl, Estimating Ancestry and Genetic Diversity in Admixed Populations, 2016
Tim Peterson, Taxonomic implications of basicranial variation in Australopithecus africanus, 2010
Yann Klimentidis, Using Genetic Admixture to Examine Social and Phenotypic Aspects of Ethnicity Among New Mexican Hispanics and Native Americans, 2008
Wendy Potter, Evidence for a change in the rate of aging of osteological indicators in American documented skeletal samples, 2010
Hsui-man Lin, The Biological Evidence of the San-Pau-Chu People and Their Affinities, 2009
Student Graduate Training Fellowships
S. Phillips-Garcia, Fellowship, Program in Biological and Biomedical Sciences, UNM, 2009
Master’s Exam Committee Member
Jenna Strawbridge, Alexis O Donnell, Sara Niedbalski, Sarah Phillips-Garcia, Nicole Schneider, Jessica Gross, Margaret Frey, Maddison Schaefer, Anthony Koehl, Carmen Mosley, Kate Rusk, Bonnie Young, Meghan Healy, Gwen Addickes, Amy Farnbach, Wendy Potter, Christopher Grivas, Hannah MacDonald
Honors Thesis Mentoring
Arianna Montoya. 2021-present
Aurelia Dixon. Thesis title: Socially Constructed Genealogies in New Mexicans of Spanish-Speaking Descent, 2020
Undergraduate Student Mentoring
Shannon Bermea, Danielle Boudreaux, Viengkeo Kay Bounkeua, Jillian Castor, Allison Chavez, Michael Deason, Aurelia Dixon, Casey Frank, Kiela Gwin, Gabriela Gomez, Liana Hernandez, Michael Krencicki, Brendon Liberman, Melanie Martinez, Brandon Pettit, Jessica Smith, Endel Sorra, Sierra Wilcox-Hindmarch, Aurelia Dixon
Professional development and course certifications
Center for Digital Learning Webinar, Increasing Student Engagement in Zoom, UNM, 2020
Quality Matters Certification, Anthropology 150, 2016, Quality Matters
Golden Paw. Online Course Advisory Council’s Best Practice Certification, Anthropology 150, UNM, 2016
Classroom teaching
On-line course. Hunley, K. (2015), "Genetic and linguistic evolution and coevolution", in Rosenberg, N. and Nielsen, R. (eds), Human Population Genetics II, The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London
Introduction to anthropological genetics. ANTH 364
Human genetics. ANTH 455/555. BIO 452
Anthropological genetics. ANTH 555
Evolution and human emergence. ANTH 150/1135
Evolution and human emergence (on-line). ANTH 150/1135 on-line (Certified by Quality Matters and recipient of Golden Paw from UNM Online Course Advisory Council)
Evolution and human emergence laboratory. ANTH 151L/1135L
Modern human origins and prehistory. ANTH 450/550
Race and human evolution. ANTH 450/550
Population genetics. ANTH/Biology 491/591
Computer aided inferences in natural science. ANTH 450/550
2023. College of Arts and Science. Hiring Plan Review Committee.
2021 - present. Chair. Department of Anthropology
2019- present. Member. Advisory Board, Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies
2019 - 2021. Interim Chair. Department of Anthropology
2019. Retention, Promotion & Tenure Review. Junior Committee (tenure and promotion review). College of Arts and Sciences
2018. Retention, Promotion & Tenure Review. Retention Committee (mid-probationary review). College of Arts and Sciences
2018. Coauthor (with Les Field and Jennifer George). Academic Program Review Self-Study. Spring 2009-Spring 2018. Department of Anthropology
2017 - 2019. Associate Chair. Department of Anthropology
2016. Search committee, interim Maxwell Museum Director. College of Arts and Sciences.
2015 - 2019. Advisory Group. Department of Anthropology
2014 - 2016. College Assessment Review Committee. College of Arts and Sciences
2014, 2017-2019. Tenure and Promotion Committees. Department of Anthropology
2012. Writing workshop for the Undergraduate Anthropology Society. Department of Anthropology
2008 – present (periodic). Maxwell Museum Human Evolution Exhibit Committee. Maxwell Museum
2007 - 2019. Director. Undergraduate Committee. Department of Anthropology
2007. Search committee. Evolutionary (Biological) Anthropology. Department of Anthropology
2007-2008. Space committee. Department of Anthropology
2006 - 2008. Advisory council. Program in Interdisciplinary Biological and Biomedical Sciences
2006-2007. Maxwell Museums Publication Committee. Department of Anthropology
2004 - 2019. Undergraduate committee member. Department of Anthropology
2004 - 2018. Organizer. Evolutionary Anthropology Journal Club. Department of Anthropology
2015 - present. Associate Editor. Human Biology
2019. External evaluator for faculty promotion. Department of Anthropology. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
2012. Scientific Program Committee. American Association of Physical Anthropologists
2011. Scientific Program Committee. American Association of Physical Anthropologists
2011. Local Arrangements committee. Human Biology Association Meetings. Albuquerque, NM
2007. American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Student Prize Committee
Grant/manuscript review:
National Science Foundation, Wenner-Gren Foundation, Science Magazine, Scientific Reports, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, PLoS One, Current Anthropology, Human Biology, Human Nature, Journal of Anthropological Research, Trends in Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution
Invited Lectures, Seminars, Symposia, and Public Anthropology
2018. Guest lecture. Anth 360. Human Behavioral Ecology. UNM
2017. Guest discussant. Department of Anthropology. University of Illinois
2018. Guest lecture. Race and human evolution as it applies to public health. PH 201. Population Health Biology. UNM
2018. Guest discussant. Anthropology 330. Department of Anthropology. UNM
2017. Guest discussant. Anth 454. Human Genetics. University of Illinois
2017. Guest discussant. Anthropology 330. Department of Anthropology. UNM
2012. Youtube video describing research in New Mexico
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPMBxOdlf58 -
2012. Guest lecture. Genetic and linguistic coevolution. Department of Linguistics. UNM
2011. Guest lecture. Admixture in New Mexicans of Spanish-speaking descent. Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. UNM
2009. “DNA, Race and Identity” Radio interview with Sylvia Rodriguez for Cultural Energy’s People, Culture and Place series. http://www.culturalenergy.org/mp3/edgar-ortiz.mp3. With Heather Edgar
2009. Invited lecture. Darwin Day Symposium: There are no races, there are only nested hierarchies. Biology Department. UNM
2009. Guest lecture. Population genetic structure and admixture in New Mexican Hispanics. Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. UNM
2008. Co-organizer. Faculty Symposium sponsored by the Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies. The social and health-related implications of sociocultural and biological variation in New Mexicans of Hispanic descent. UNM
2007. Co-organizer with H Edgar. Symposium: Race reconciled? How biological anthropologists view human biological variation. UNM
2007. Contributor. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology Exhibit. Tools of the trade: How biological anthropology is done. UNM
2007. Linguistic and Genetic Coevolution in Native America. Perspectives in Human Ecology Seminar. Department of Anthropology. UNM
2007. The global pattern of human genetic variation: no clines, no trees, and no races. Program in Interdisciplinary Biological & Biomedical Science Seminar. UNM
2007. Guest lecture. FLC-623: Genes, peoples, languages. Freshmen Learning Communities. UNM
2006. Guest lecture. Linguistic and genetic coevolution in Native America. Department of Linguistics. UNM
2006. Guest lecture. Is there a biological basis for human race? Department of Anthropology Archaeology Seminar. UNM
2005. Guest lecture. FLC-623: Genes, peoples, and languages. Freshmen Learning Communities. UNM